The Hidden History of Tibetan Rugs

Photograph courtesy Felix Elwert &
Felix Elwert
Saturday, February 15, 2025
12:00 pm ET @ Zoom
Local legend dates the introduction of rug weaving to Tibet back to the 7th century CE. But hardly any surviving Tibetan rugs predate the 19th century. In this presentation, I unveil a trove of Tibetan rugs from as early as the 15th century, showcasing new designs and connections to religious traditions. We’ll evaluate the challenges of dating rugs using scientific methods and reexamine the timeline of Tibetan rug weaving in the light of new discoveries.
Felix Elwert, Ph.D., is professor of sociology and biostatistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his PhD from Harvard University and maintains a longstanding interest in Himalayan Textile art.