Past Meetings Archive

Videos of recent past meetings are available to members when logged in



The Hidden History of Tibetan Rugs

    Speaker: Felix Elwert

Rare Anatolian Kilims: Selections from Private Collectors

    Speaker: Ziya Bozoglu

Looking at ‘Received Wisdom’ about Oriental Carpets

    Speaker: Walter Denny

The Provenance of Desire

    Speaker: Peter D'Ascoli

On Birds and Bektashis: Two Tribal Animal Rugs of Ḳaramān, 1450-1550

    Speaker: Ahmet Balkan


Annual Hajji Baba Club Picnic

    Speaker: Show & Tell

Weaving Abstraction in Ancient and Modern Art – Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Speaker: Private Tour

To Sikh or not to Sikh: In Defense of the Sikh Kashmir Shawl – Annual Meeting

    Speaker: Frank Ames

Artistry and Power on Display: Ceremonial Ndop Cloths of the Cameroon Grassfields

    Speaker: Janet Marion Purdy, PhD, Associate Curator of Textiles at the Art Institute of Chicago

The (Epistemological) Warp and Weft of Persian Rugs: How Knowledge is Produced in Western Art History

    Speaker: Sophia Sacal

The Vagireh: A Rug Less Ordinary

    Speaker: Hadi Maktabi

Katonah Museum of Art – “Stories of Syria’s Textiles: Art and Heritage across Two Millennia

    Speaker: Deniz Beyazit and Blair Fowlkes Childs

Field Trip – Comfort Zone: Primal Rugs: Origins, Function and Art – Double Knot Gallery in Tribeca

    Speaker: Murat Kupcu

Truly Tribal in South Persian Weavings

    Speaker: Jim Opie

Trip to Ratti Center – Syria’s Fame of Silk

    Speaker: Dr. Deniz Beyazit & Eva Labson

The Safavid Carpet Fragments from the Shrine of Shah Neʿmatullah Vali

    Speaker: Margaret Squires, 2022-2023 HBC Research Fellow

Sea Change: Ottoman Textiles From 1400-1800

    Speaker: Amanda Phillips

Collecting and Decorating: A Personal Journey in Textile Design

    Speaker: Nathalie Farman-Farma


Annual Meeting Plus Show and Tell

American Benefactresses of European Tapestry: Art Philanthropy Stateside Circa 1900

    Speaker: Charissa Bremer-David

Members Only Tour to Washington DC

    Speaker: Members Only

Silk and Wool: Crosscurrent Influences in Turkish Rugs and Textiles

    Speaker: Gerard Paquin

Maghreb Mastery

    Speaker: Gebhart Blazek

Pull of the Thread: Textile Travels of a Generation

    Speaker: Sheila Fruman

Brocades, Carpets and Silk Fabrics: Painted Textiles in 18th and 19th century Private Homes in Damascus

    Speaker: Anke Scharrahs

Kravet Archives Tour in Woodbury, Long Island

    Speaker: Members Only

Carpet and Textile Photography at Art Lens Photography

    Speaker: Simon Ferenc Toth

A Collector’s Views on the Repair/Restoration/Conservation/Doing Nothing Continuum.

    Speaker: Mike Tschebull

Fellowship Grantee Report – Motifs of Islamic Cosmology on the Prayer Rug – Sajjada

    Speaker: Fatima Zutic


Cartier and Islamic Art: In Search of Modernity

    Speaker: Dr. Heather Ecker

From Buteh to Paisley: The Story of a Global Icon

    Speaker: Augusta de Gunzbourg

Archetypes, Aesthetics and Agency: Adat Textiles of Early Indonesian Cultures

    Speaker: Thomas Murray

Central Asian Suzani: Understanding the Tradition and Attribution of Silk Dowry Embroideries

    Speaker: Ali Istalifi

Mrs. Beattie and Mr. Getty: A Carpet Controversy

    Speaker: Dr. Dorothy Armstrong

Dr. Mariachiara Gasparini: From Wool to Silk and Back: Development and Evolution of the Eurasian Roundel Motif

    Speaker: Dr. Mariachiara Gasparini

The Blueberry Pie Carpet: A Morris Carpet at Home in Chicago

    Speaker: Melinda Watt

Lawrence Kearney on the greatest hits of Skinners

    Speaker: Lawrence Kearney

Far Flung Urban Moroccan and Greek Embroideries: Similarities and Differences

    Speaker: Yosi Barzilai


2020/2021 Annual Meeting and Show and Tell

    Speaker: Show and Tell

Safavid Dynastic Vision: Shah Tahmasp’s Commission of the Ardabil Carpets

    Speaker: Moya Carey

Stefano Bardini and the International Carpet Trade at the End of the 19th century

    Speaker: Alberto Boralevi

Anamnesis : Stories Told In Rugs

    Speaker: Nazanin Sadr Azodi

Hidden in Plain Sight : A System of Markings in Oriental Rugs

    Speaker: Shiv Sikri

Textile Art – A Conversation about Aesthetics

    Speaker: Tom Cole

The Cloth that Changed the World

    Speaker: Sarah Fee

Ikat & Ikat Velvet in Uzbekistan from a Weaver’s Point of View

    Speaker: Barbara Pickett

Mysteries of Cairo’s Magnificent Mamluk Carpets

    Speaker: Rosamund Mack

Swedish Folk Weavings for Oriental Rug Lovers

    Speaker: Wendel Swan


From Afghans to Zieglers: The Forgotten Years of Persian Carpets 1722 – 1872

    Speaker: Hadi Maktabi

First Online Meeting: Kurdish Bags and Rugs

    Speaker: Jeff Berry

Hidden in Plain Sight: A System of Markings in Oriental Rugs

    Speaker: Sikri Shiv

Traditional Textiles of Japan – The Thomas Murray Collection

    Speaker: Thomas Murray

Tibetan Rugs: Ancient Problems, Innovative Solutions

    Speaker: Chris Buckley

Qarajeh to Quba

    Speaker: Mike Tschebull

Piecing together the Past: The Little-known Story of America’s First Tapestry Ateliers

    Speaker: Alice Zrebiec

Pattern, Process, Ritual: Distinguishing Uyghur Felt Making In Northwest China

    Speaker: Chris Martens

Tibetan Golden Triangle: An in Depth Look at a Group of Rugs in a Collection in Boston

    Speaker: Alberto Levi

Festivals, Fairs and Rituals: Textiles, Costumes and Carpets of the Eastern Grasslands of Tibet

    Speaker: Cheri Hunter


Annual Summer Picnic

Annual Meeting & Show and Tell of Turkmen Trappings

    Speaker: Kurt Munkacsi

Rags, Riches, and Patchwork: The Sacred and Secular Aspects of Buddhist Ritual Garments in Japan

    Speaker: Jacquie Atkins

Philadelphia Trip

Turks, Textiles, Transylvania! The Royal and the Religious

    Speaker: Joyce Corbett

Hats: Selected Hats of the Silk Road

    Speaker: Roger Pratt

Sacred Surfaces: Carpets, Coverings and Mesas in the Colonial Andes

    Speaker: Elena Phipps

Purple Reign: The History of an Extraordinary Color

    Speaker: Deborah Kraak

Nomadic Jajims: Transcaucasian/Azarbayjani and Lur, Qashqa’i and Chahar Mahal examples

    Speaker: Mike Tschebull

Turks, Textiles, Transylvania! The Royal and the Religious

    Speaker: Joyce Corbett

From the Desert to the City: The Journey of Late Ancient Textiles

    Speaker: Warren Woodfin

Framing the Islamic Prayer Rug: Image, Symbolism and Function

    Speaker: Jeff Spurr

Wagner Garden Carpet – Metropolitan Museum

    Speaker: Sheila R. Canby

Haiku in Color Kilims of Anatolia

    Speaker: Sumru Krody


Annual Summer Picnic

Annual Business Meeting

Indian Textiles

    Speaker: Jeevak Parpia and Banoo Parpia

Unrolling Sanctuary

    Speaker: Jackie von Treskow, Program Director at the For-Site Foundation in San Francisco

Hamadan Weavings

    Speaker: A.E. "Tad" Runge

Russian Double-Faced Kashmir Style Shawls

    Speaker: Maleyne Syracuse

Lampung Imagery Textile Iconography of Sumatra

    Speaker: Thomas Murray

12th and 13th Century Textile Finds at the Chungul Kurgan

    Speaker: Warren T. Woodfin

Recent Studies on the ‘Transylvanian’ Group

    Speaker: Stefano Ionescu

Toronto Tour

Reconstructing Soft Furnishings in Medieval Ethiopian Rock-Cut Churches

    Speaker: Mikael Muehlbauer

Portable Storage: Tribal Weavings from the Collection of William and Inger Ginsberg

    Speaker: Deniz Beyazit

Fredrik R. Martin, the Missing Man

    Speaker: Thomas Farnham


Annual Summer Picnic

Annual Business Meeting and Old Fashioned Show & Tell

Qashqa’i Warp-Faced Weavings

    Speaker: Fred Mushkat

Brooklyn Museum

Exploring Tibetan Weavings

    Speaker: Nicholas Wright

Carpets for Kings: Six Masterpieces of Iranian Weaving

    Speaker: Sheila Canby

All day visit to Winterthur Museum in Winterthur, Delaware

Carpathian Echoes: Textile Materials and Technology in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania and Ukraine

    Speaker: Florica Zaharia

Colors of the Oasis: 19th Century Central Asian Textiles and Their Modern Revival

    Speaker: Bruce Baganz

Peter Pap Booth Talk

    Speaker: Peter Pap

Re-envisioning Japan: Meiji Fine Art Textiles

    Speaker: John Vollmer

The Evolution of a Collector: George Hewitt Myers

    Speaker: Sheridan Collins

Olana: The Home of Painter Frederic Edwin Church

An Attempt To Group the Origin of Some Central Anatolian Carpets Made Between 1500-1650

    Speaker: Michael Franses

Creating New Carpets Using Ancient Techniques

    Speaker: Bahram Shabahang


Annual Summer Picnic

Annual Club Meeting & Members’ Show & Tell

African Textiles and Dress: Highlights from the Newark Museum Collection

    Speaker: Dr. Christa Clarke

James F. Ballard Collection of Oriental Rugs

    Speaker: Walter Denny

Field Trip to the Newark Museum

Mary Hunt Kahlenberg

    Speaker: Richard Tuttle

Border Crossings: Three 19th Century Iranian Artists

    Speaker: Layla Diba

The Splendor of Persian Pictorial Carpets and the Stories They Tell

    Speaker: Judge Jeffrey G. Berry

Early Inscribed Textiles from the Textile Museum,
Conspicuous Display of Authority

    Speaker: Sumru Krody

Rug Conservation

    Speaker: Richard Newman

Symbols of Power: Luxury Textiles from Islamic Lands

    Speaker: Louise Mackie

Preview of Sotheby’s Auction
“Carpets and Textiles from Distinguished Collections”

    Speaker: Mary Jo Otsea


The Hajji Baba Club Annual Picnic

Art Deco Hooked Rugs: Modernist Folk Art

    Speaker: Lawrence Kearney

Reassembling a Persian Beauty & How To Kill a Moth – Tips and Tricks To Preserve Your Treasures

    Speaker: Anna Beselin

Exotic Encounters – Reading Two 18th Century Chintzes

    Speaker: John Guy

Back to The Future – Reconstruction of Anatolian Carpets From Renaissance Paintings

    Speaker: Ali Riza Tuna

Where Does the Baluch Camel Ground Tree of Life Design Come From?

    Speaker: DeWitt Mallary

SECRETS AND LI: Layers of Mystery in Dragon Tapestries from Hainan, China

    Speaker: Lee J. Chinalai

The Oriental Carpet as “Islamic Art”

    Speaker: Wendel Swan

The 1933 Exhibition of “Old Spanish Rugs” in Madrid: Carpets, Collectors, and Dealers

    Speaker: Heather Ecker

Uncle Henry and Lord Duveen’s Carpets

    Speaker: Thomas J. Farnham


Annual Summer Picnic

Myth & Design

    Speaker: Thomas Cole

Textile Crafts from Western India

    Speaker: Roger and Claire Pratt

Continuing Traditions

    Speaker: Gail Martin

Sogdian Traders & Silk Textiles

    Speaker: Carlo Christi

Ottoman Rugs & Romanian Folk Kilims

    Speaker: Stefano Ionescu

Early Rugs from the Nazmiyal Collection

Unraveling Identity: Our Textiles, Our Stories

    Speaker: Lee Talbot

City Court and Workshop Inspired Carpets

Anatolian Kilims and Their History

    Speaker: Vedat Karadag

Imperial Portraits and Costume from Ancient Assyria to Qajar Iran As Ritual Performance

    Speaker: Ira Spar

19th c. Village and Tribal Rugs

The Dragon Chasing the Horse – Or Was it the Other Way Around?

    Speaker: Koos de Jong

An Overview of Antique Rugs

Ottoman Influences on Islamic Batik from Indonesia, A Context of Understanding

    Speaker: Thomas Murray

Artist-Designed Rugs by Parviz Tanavoli, Iran’s Formost Sculptor

    Speaker: Parviz Tanavoli


The Hajji Baba Club Annual Picnic

Annual Meeting & Show and Tell

Kang Collection and Sotheby’s NYC

Ratti Center – Metropolitan Museum of Art

Off the Beaten Path

    Speaker: Jeff Spurr

A Sultan’s Present – the Robe of Honor in the Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin

    Speaker: Gisela Helmecke

Celestial Geometry as a Soul Carrier to The Other World

    Speaker: Eberhart Herrmann

Woven Transport and Storage Bags

    Speaker: Raoul Tschebull (Mike)

The Steps of the Dragon

    Speaker: Denise Cain

Carpets and the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Recent Past and Long-term Future

    Speaker: Walter Denny

Carpets of Gold and Silk

    Speaker: Dan Walker

Fifty Years of Collecting

    Speaker: Mae Festa

Hispanic Society Field Trip

    Speaker: Sally Sherrill

Qaraqalpaqs Of The Aral Delta

    Speaker: David and Sue Richardson


Central Asian Ikat Coats in the Ashmolean Museum

    Speaker: Ruth Barnes

Annual Meeting & Dinner

New York’s Great Carpet Collectors – Marquand to McMullan

    Speaker: Professor Thomas Farnham

Islamic Carpets and Textiles for the ALTICALSA Galleries at The MET: Conservation and Display

    Speaker: Florica Zaharia

The Origin Of Piled Weaving

    Speaker: Elena Tsareva

Aroma of Romance in Middle Eastern Art

    Speaker: Shelia Canby

Turkmen Engsi

    Speaker: Kurt Munkacsi

Rugs are All About Color! But What Does That Mean?

    Speaker: Wendel Swan

Sothebys Auction Preview

    Speaker: Mary Jo Otsea

Reciprocal Trefoil Border in East Turkestan and Elsewhere

    Speaker: Hans Koenig

Late Mamluk Carpets: Some New Observations

    Speaker: Dr. Jon Thompson



    Speaker: DeWitt Mallory

Mae Festa: My First Forty Years of Collecting

    Speaker: Jeff Spurr

Textile Design Influences in Turkish Rugs

    Speaker: Gerard Paquin

Fez & Kilims

    Speaker: Peter Bichler


    Speaker: Elena Phipps

Topkapi Textiles

    Speaker: Paul Hepworth

Turkish Rugs

    Speaker: Stefano Ionescu

Surprise Topic

    Speaker: Michael Franses

Re-opening of the Islamic Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Speaker: Navina Haidar


Japanese Textiles at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Speaker: Joyce Denney

Textiles as Art – Textiles as Artifacts

    Speaker: Gail Martin

The Orientalists: Oriental Carpets in 19th Century European and American Paintings

    Speaker: Walter Denny

The Marvelous Reality of Peru

    Speaker: James Reid

The Textiles of Kyrgyzstan

    Speaker: Eileen Anne Malloy

Shaped Indian Carpets of the 17th Century

    Speaker: Daniel Walker

Color as a Tool to Identify Anatolian Carpets

    Speaker: Samy Rabinovic

Beyond Babylon: Art, Trade, Costume and Diplomacy in The Second Millennium B.C.E.

    Speaker: Ira Spar


Anatolian Yastiks: Small Wonders

    Speaker: Dennis Dodds

Oriental Rug Fakes and Copies: Teodor Tuduc

    Speaker: Alberto Boralevi

Contemporary View of Old Caucasian Village Rugs

    Speaker: Raoul “Mike” Tschebull

Tribal Weavings: Symbolism and Meaning through the Eyes of the Creator

    Speaker: Peter Davies

Qing Imperial Robes in the Palace Museum Collection

    Speaker: John Vollmer

Dragon & Lattice Carpets of the 17th & 18th Centuries

    Speaker: Paul Ramsey

The Three Ballard Collections

    Speaker: Walter Denny

17th Century Mughal Style and It’s European Influences

    Speaker: Frank Ames